
At Queens Park, we encourage and support all children to grow into brave, ambitious, and creative writers who take pride in every piece of writing they produce. Children should be inspired by reading a wide range of rich texts full of exciting and challenging vocabulary. By the time they leave us, we want all children to be confident writers with the ability to develop their writing voices to take their readers on a journey as they skilfully manipulate and control language.

Every child at Queens Park is a writer and we provide rich opportunities for children to write each day across a range of genres. Where possible, the whole class is taught writing together and follow a well-structured writing process. This teaches the children a range of key skills specific for their year group and genre being taught. Children have the opportunity to work collaboratively in groups and pairs, as well as working on their own to produce independent writing at the end of each genre. We provide children with appropriate, purposeful intervention when necessary, providing the right support and challenge. We challenge children by teaching them the valuable skills of editing and revising their work. We encourage all children to be brave and adventurous with their vocabulary choices.


Everyone’s work is displayed and celebrated at Queens Park. We are proud of all the work which children produce and ensure that children are aware of their audience and purpose for every genre taught.