Home Learning

Week 3 Home Learning

It’s been another busy week of home learning. Thank you to everyone who has shared their learning with me. I apologise as I can’t share everyone learning on here but I have loved seeing it.
This week we looked at the story of The Enormous Turnip, the children familiarised themselves with the story and they had a go at answering questions about the story. They also drew a story snake, made a list of other vegetables a farmer could grow and also the children explored the concept of forces-things you can push and pull.
In Maths the children have been doing lots of different counting games, adding 1 more, taking 1 away/1 less, ordering umbers and looking at number bonds.
In phonics we looked at new sounds /y/ /z/ /zz/ /qu/ and our tricky words.
Next week we will be looking at new letter sounds in Phonics and a new story in English.
Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes
Ms Myatt, Ms Whitehead, Ms Sanchez, Mrs Mollanji and Lisa.