Home Learning

Last week in Year 2

Here is a summary of what we were learning last week in Year 2.


Last week we continued to add together 2 digit numbers and also began subtracting as well. We used dienes to help children to understand how many tens and ones are in these numbers. For example to calculate 23 + 34 we have taught the children to make each number out of dienes (2 tens and 3 ones / 3 tens and 4 ones) and then add them together to find a total.

We have also begun using hundred squares and shown the children how to add and subtract tens on them.


The children have all written a postcard this week. They were pretending to be Sunny the Meerkat and have written a postcard about an imaginary visit to an animal of their choice. Can your child remember the animal that Sunny was writing about? We have taught the children to use but or because to extend their sentences. Can they remember why Sunny decided to leave their animal’s home?